Disbursements is responsible for serving the State of Texas and Texas A&M AgriLife by processing payments to vendors and reimbursements to employees in a prompt and efficient manner. Payments should be processed in accordance with Federal and the State of Texas applicable statutes and regulations, the State Comptroller’s rules, Texas A&M University System policies, and Texas A&M AgriLife’s guidelines. We are responsible for providing prompt customer service and on-going education of policies and procedures to our customers.
Guidelines for the Disbursement of Funds
Accounts Payable: Accounts Payable is responsible for processing payments to vendors and ensuring that our agency is spending funds in a manner that complies with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the State of Texas and Texas A&M AgriLife. We provide customer service to vendors, department/unit business office staff and others that call to inquire on accounts payable-related issues, policies, and procedures.
Payment Card: Texas A&M AgriLife offers departments/units an innovative program that simplifies the way in which goods/services are ordered and paid. The Payment Card Program is a fast, flexible purchasing method for processing delegated orders with suppliers who accept credit cards. The purpose of the Payment Card Program is to establish an efficient, cost-effective method of purchasing and payment for delegated dollar transactions. This program has the potential to significantly reduce the FAMIS voucher process of small orders, checks, and prompt payment interest.
Travel: Travel is responsible for processing travel reimbursements to agency employees and payments to vendors for travel-related expenses. Payments must be processed in a manner that is consistent with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the State of Texas and Texas A&M AgriLife. We provide customer service to employees, department/unit business office staff, and others that call to inquire on travel-related issues, policies, and procedures.