Fiscal consists of Administrative Support, Budgets, BankingĀ & Receivables, Disbursements, Fleet Management, Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB), Inventory/Property, Management Review, Procurement and Contracts, Project Records, and Travel.
Administrative Support: Responsible the management and implementation of the day-to-day business operations in the Dean, Vice Chancellor, and Director Administrative Offices for the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas AgriLife Research, and Texas AgriLife Extension Service.
Budgets: Provide budget planning and analyses for Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Texas AgriLife Research. Ensure federal, state, and Texas A&M System reporting compliance.
Banking & Receivables: handles all incoming and outgoing wires, vendor payments, credit card transactions and ACH payments; is responsible for all Interdepartmental Transfers (IDT), Accounts Receivables, Cash Deposits, Cash Receipts and issuing past due notices.
Disbursements: Disbursements is responsible for processing payments to vendors and reimbursements to employees in a prompt and efficient manner. Payments must be processed in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations.
Fleet Management: The Fleet Management Office oversees the vehicle fleet for Texas AgriLife Extension Service and Texas AgriLife Research. Provides assistance to units to ensure correct procedures are followed related to fleet management.
Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB): To encourage and effectively promote the utilization of Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) by all state agencies, and to promote full and equal business opportunities for all businesses in state contracting in accordance with the goals specified in the State of Texas Disparity Study.
Inventory/Property: The Inventory/Property Office oversees the state’s inventory for the Texas AgriLife Research, the Texas AgriLife Extension Service, and the Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. The job of the Inventory/Property Office is to insure that correct procedures are followed, assist Departments/Units in managing and accounting for their inventory by tracking assets from acquisition to deletion, and accurately reporting to the State of Texas Comptroller the required asset data.
Procurement and Contracts: Texas A&M AgriLife purchases supplies, equipment, and services required in its agricultural research and educational programs. Supplies purchased are mainly for office, laboratory, and farm use.
Project Records: Project Records maintains the projects for AgriLife and USDA. Projects include Hatch, McIntire Stennis, State, Grants with NIFA, Animal Health Grants, Administrative, and Internal. Every AgriLife Principal Investigator with a research program is required to have a project. This Project also serves as an accounting tool. Hatch and McIntire Stennis Projects must be revised every 5-6 years. Annual Reports are required for all projects except Internal and Administrative Projects.
Travel: Travel is responsible for processing travel reimbursements to agency employees and payments to vendors for travel-related expenses. Payments must be processed in a manner that is consistent with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the State of Texas and Texas A&M AgriLife.