Fiscal: Travel Resources

AboutTravel is responsible for processing travel reimbursements to agency employees and payments to vendors for travel-related expenses. Payments must be processed in a manner that is consistent with all laws, policies, procedures, rules, and regulations of the State of Texas and Texas A&M AgriLife. We provide customer service to employees, department/unit business office staff, and others that call to inquire on travel-related issues, policies, and procedures.


Texas A&M University System Assistance Abroad Programdown arrow

To assist our Aggie family members, TAMUS has contracted with CISI, a 24-hour travel and security assistance service for faculty, staff, and students who travel to international destinations on official Texas A&M AgriLife/TVMDL business. CISI manages a wide-range of requests ranging from lost passports, physician referrals, and complex medical and security evacuations.

It is important that Texas A&M AgriLife/TVMDL employees are aware of the resources available to them for safe and efficient travel.

More Information on Additional Coverage:
For more information on additional coverage available to faculty and student travelers, please contact AgriLife Ethics and Compliance at 979-314-3442.


Texas A&M AgriLife

Texas A&M AgriLife Administrative Services
Fiscal: Disbursements – Travel
Fourth Floor Suite, AGSV | 2147 TAMU
Phone: 979-845-4748 or 979-845-4778 | Fax: 979-458-3242

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