Responsible for providing training and support to faculty and staff engaged in scientific research involving animals. Specific areas include, but are not limited to Animal Use Protocol (AUP) application support and guidance using iRIS, approval process assistance, and continuing review of AUPs.
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Approval Process | Report an Animal Use Concern
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Approval Process

All faculty, staff, and students using animals, regardless of location or funding, must obtain approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before activities begin. The use of animals is defined as any activity involving vertebrate animals in which the natural life style or movements of the animals is materially altered. Use of animal carcasses, tissues, and fluids obtained specifically for research, testing, or teaching purposes are subject to review according to applicable regulations and may be determined to be “use of animals.” If you are unsure if your project involves use of animals, contact the IACUC office.
Report an Animal Use Concern

Anyone concerned with an animal’s welfare or is aware of non-compliance with policies, rules, regulations, and laws regarding animal care and use for research, teaching, or testing may contact a member of the Texas A&M Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Attending Veterinarian, or IACUC administration. Complainants may remain anonymous. It is the goal of Texas A&M to ensure all animals are treated humanely and in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act.
Each IACUC member, alternate, and staff member is responsible for referring any concerns received to the IACUC Chair. If the concern is made in writing or via email, it will be forwarded to the Chair with a note indicating the date and time of receipt of the concern. All allegations of animal mistreatment or non-compliance are taken seriously and investigated, even if the complainant chooses to remain anonymous.
You can also submit a concern online via the Animal Concern Submission Form.
Concerns may also be directed to Attending Veterinarian or the Executive Director of Comparative Medicine at 979.845.7433, or the AgriLife Ethics and Compliance Office at 979.314.3644.