Emergency Alert Systems

AboutIn accordance with Texas Education Code § 51.218, Texas A&M AgriLife Research (AgriLife Research) and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (AgriLife Extension) have established an emergency alert system (EAS) for agency personnel. On–Campus locations will utilize the Texas A&M University Code Maroon EAS; off–campus locations (located outside the Bryan/College Station Area) will develop internal communication channels through the use of email notifications.


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On-Campus Employees | Off-Campus Employees |  AgriLife Procedures


On-Campus Employeesdown arrow
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AgriLife PhotosIn accordance with AgriLife Research Procedure 34.07.99.A0.01 and AgriLife Extension Service Procedure 34.07.99.X0.01, agency personnel located on–campus will utilize the Texas A&M University Code Maroon EAS. Code Maroon employs multiple notification methods. Employees may manage their notification preferences by visiting the Code Maroon Web site, or while completing the annually required online training course.



Off-Campus Employeesdown arrow
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In accordance with AgriLife Research Procedure 34.07.99.A0.01 and AgriLife Extension Service Procedure 34.07.99.X0.01, off–campus units (located outside of the Bryan/College Station Area) are required to develop internal communication channels through the use of the AgriLife Exchange email system to disseminate emergency alert notifications. The individual responsible for the overall unit emergency management plan will assign a designee the responsibility for maintaining corresponding email notification lists to be utilized in emergency management alert scenarios.



AgriLife Proceduresdown arrow
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AgriLife PhotosProcedures for AgriLife Research and AgriLife Extension Service have been developed to ensure compliance with all applicable Texas State Statutes and The Texas A&M University System policies and regulations, as well as to establish formal procedures and guidelines related to emergency management.





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